When should I start preparing?

The preparation for the GRE exams totally depends upon your talent, your aptitude, your IQ, your skills and your sincereity. Preparation can take between 2-4 months depending upon your factors as mentioned above. It also depends upon the time you have at hand, the schedule of your university examinations, college examinations, and your other commitments.

The best part about the GRE is that you can postpone your examination date even two days prior to your allotted date. If you are not scoring in your diagnostic tests well simply postpone your examination. No, this is not a loser's option ... infact it is a proper decision that could ENSURE YOUR SUCCESS . The simple fact is that it is impossible for your score to increase substantially in the last ten to fifteen days before your examination date. So if you are ready to accept your average score on your practice tests you should proceed with taking your main test.

The ideal time for engineering students to start their preparation is immediately after their fifth semester examinations. Choose an examination date in the first two weeks of April. If you are not prepared by then, postpone your examination date to August/September.

Students from the first year of engineering should not bother about GRE. In fact they should collect all the information about the GRE and make their views clear about this. And the most important thing is that the students should not have any A.T.K.T. left. And if there are any backlogs they should clear it out at the earliest.

Likewise students from the second year should devote more time on their academics but can start off with their Verbal and Analytical preparation. It is also necessary to see the basic fundamentals of Mathematics at this time. And the students coming from the Diploma should really struggle with this as they are not in touch with Mathematics for a long time.




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